WZ-10 Memasuki Dinas Operasional

on Saturday, January 29, 2011

CAIC WZ-10 (all photos : Alert5) Helikopter serang China terbaru WZ-10 memasuki dinas operasional pada akhir tahun 2010 lalu. Foto-foto helikopter buatan Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAIC) ini beredar di internet China. Sejauh ini...

The 122 R-Han Rocket Launcher

on Saturday, January 29, 2011

The rocket warhead R-Han 122. (Photo: Defense News) 11 November 2010 - Indonesian Armed Forces will have 500 rockets R-Han 122 in 2014. The rocket was developed by LAPAN, PINDAD, PT DI, Balitbang Kemenhan and Kemenristek for six years. The...

KAI Rolls Out First Production T/A-50

on Friday, January 28, 2011

Korea's T/A-50 light attack variant of the T-50 Golden Eagle (photo : KAI) Korea Aerospace Industries has rolled out the first production T/A-50, the light-attack variant of the T-50 Golden Eagle advanced jet trainer. The South Korean air...