U.S. admiral: Carrier killer won't stop U.S. Navy

on Thursday, February 17, 2011

2011-02-15 (China Military News cited from AP) -- A new "carrier killer" missile that has become a symbol of China's rising military might will not force the U.S. Navy to change the way it operates in the Pacific, a senior Navy commander told The Associated Press.Defense analysts say the Dong Feng 21D missile could upend the balance of power in Asia, where U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups have ruled the waves since the end of World War II.However, Vice Adm. Scott van Buskirk, commander of the U.S. 7th Fleet, told the AP in an interview that the Navy does not see the much-feared weapon as creating any insurmountable vulnerability for the U.S. carriers -- the Navy's crown jewels."It's not the Achilles heel of our aircraft...

Beyond Patriot? The Multinational MEADS Air Defense Program

on Thursday, February 17, 2011

 MEADS: air view FY 2012 budget request; American funding, and probably MEADS itself, to end in FY 2013. (Feb 15/11) The Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) program aims to replace Patriot missiles in the United States, the older Hawk...

U.S. Navy Destroyer's Mast Breaks Off

on Thursday, February 17, 2011

By CHRISTOPHER P. CAVAS Published: 15 Feb 2011 18:18 The upper part of the mast on the destroyer Gravely broke off Feb. 13 while the warship was underway off the northern Florida coast, the U.S. Navy has confirmed. "While underway conducting...

Argentine-U.S. Tensions Simmer with Verbal Jabs

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Published: 15 Feb 2011 13:20 BUENOS AIRES - Argentine-U.S. tensions over items seized from a visiting U.S. military aircraft spiked higher Feb. 15 after Buenos Aires claimed its personnel "would have ended up in Guantanamo" if the situation were reversed. "Imagine what situation Argentina would have found itself in if it had transported the same things to the United States?" asked Argentina's cabinet chief, Anibal Fernandez. "We would have ended up in Guantanamo, in orange uniforms, in conditions I don't even want to get into," he told reporters. "We are talking about national sovereignty." The harsh words ratcheted up a row that started when Buenos Aires authorities seized on Feb. 10 what they said...

Mi-28N Crash in Russia’s

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

 A Mil Mi-28N like this helicopter crashed today killing the commander and seriously wounding the second crew member. A Russian Army Mi-28N ‘Night Hunter’ helicopter crashed today injuring the two crew members. The gunship commander later...

Turkey to help Britain in making Type 26 future Frigate

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Britain and Turkey are negotiating a military agreement, which will enable the two countries to share their expertise, said the media reports. The contract, which will help Britain to help its military's 7.5 percent budget cuts, will be signed...

Huawei says won't divest U.S. tech company

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011-02-16 (China Military News cited from UPI) -- China's tech giant Huawei has said it won't cave in to U.S. congressional pressure to go back on a $2 million deal because of security concerns. The Chinese firm was told by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States this week that if it didn't scrap its acquisition of U.S. computer technology, the committee would push U.S. President Barack Obama to undo the deal. The committee, said Huawei in a statement, "asked us to withdraw from the regulatory review and sell patents but, in light of the possible further damage to the Huawei brand and reputation, we have been compelled to decline." The acquisition, concluded in May, concerns the firm 3Leaf Systems, which...

India to have satellite navigation system by 2015

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

India will launch seven satellites in the next four to six years to develop its own version of the Global Positioning System (GPS) for enhancing surveillance capabilities and improving accuracy of its weapon systems. The Indian Navigation System...

New generator system developed for new Chinese submarines

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011-02-16 (China Military News cited from PLAdaily) -- An AC-DC integrated dual-winding generator system with fully independent intellectual property right that is able to simultaneously provide high-quality AC and DC power supply for new-type...

Arjun tank to get more Indian muscle

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) will roll out a more potent and indigenised variant of the Arjun tank in three years. DRDO chief VK Saraswat said the German engine on the current version of the tank would be replaced by...

The Gathering Storm In Northeast Asia

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011-02-16 (China Military News cited from defpro.com and written by Daniel Goure) -- The announcement that China has surpassed Japan as the world’s second largest economy is only one reason to pay renewed attention to the Asia-Pacific region. While not unexpected, the rise of China to superpower status economically is still a major event, one with significant implications for the balance of power in the world and China’s role in the global economy. Beijing’s newfound status is likely to only intensify its efforts to leverage economic strength into advantages in such areas as trade in high tech goods and the acquisition of intellectual property from its trading partners. The second reason to pay greater attention to the...

U.S. Army Orders 21,000 Thermal Sights from Three U.S. Suppliers

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

 The AN/PAS-13 Thermal Weapon Sight (TWS), AN/PAS-13 family enables Soldiers with individual and crew served weapons to see deep into the battlefield, increase surveillance and target acquisition range, and penetrate obscurants, day or night....

Syria to build nuclear power plant by 2020

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Syria is considering building its first nuclear power plant by 2020 to meet rapidly growing electricity demand, a document from the Arab state¡¯s Atomic Energy Commission showed. Russia said in May last year, during a visit to Damascus by President...

Rare-earth shortage? Afghans think they can help

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011-02-14 (China Military News cited from businessweek.com and written by ELENA BECATOROS) -- Amid surging demand for rare-earth minerals used in everything from cell phones to gas-saving cars, Afghans are dreaming of cashing in on vast deposits they believe lie beneath their feet.The problem is that they are in one of the country's most dangerous spots, on the south bank of the Helmand River in southern Afghanistan, where fighting rages in a traditional Taliban stronghold.That Afghanistan sits on vast mineral wealth has been detailed in several surveys, the most extensive of which were conducted by the Soviets in the 1970s. Mining companies, both Afghan and foreign, already have shown interest, notably in its copper,...

USAF to Train on New F-35 Before Year's End

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

By DAVE MAJUMDAR Published: 15 Feb 2011 19:31 The U.S. Air Force will begin training on new fifth-generation F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft before the end of the year, the program's top official said. The 33rd Fighter Wing at Eglin Air...

Rapid Fire: 2011-02-16

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

15-Feb-2011 21:15 UTC Related Stories: Americas - USA, BAE, Bases & Infrastructure, Budgets, Contracts - Awards, Daily Rapid Fire, Helicopters & Rotary, Industry & Trends, Issues - Political, Mergers & Acquisitions, Robots, Russia, Scandals & Investigations, Support & Maintenance, Surface Ships - Combat, UAVs The Russian Defense Ministry grounds its fleet of Mi-28 attack helicopters after an Mi-28N Night Hunter crashed in Stavropol, killing the pilot.I’ll be baaack: The worldwide military robotics market is expected to explode over the next 5 years, reaching $8 billion in 2016, compared with $5.8 billion in 2010, according to ABI Research. View the original article h...

Lockheed Martin Receives Contracts Worth $218 Million for Demonstration of Second Round in Future US LRASM Anti-Ship Missile Programme

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Despite the currently improving ties between the US and China, it can be expected that China will be the determining factor in US military development during the foreseeable future. As those military operations, which urged western Armed Forces...

White House Vows To Veto Full-Year CR

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

By DEFENSE NEWS STAFF Published: 15 Feb 2011 17:11 The White House has vowed to veto a proposal by U.S. House Republicans to extend a continuing resolution (CR) to cover the remainder of fiscal 2011. "The Administration strongly opposes House...

Army 'alert' to situation on borders with Pak, China

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011-02-15 (China Military News cited from PTI) -- The Army has taken elaborate measures to safeguard the borders with China and Pakistan and does not see any reason for worry, a senior army officer said on Tuesday. "Army is fully geared up as far as the security of the borderline with China and Pakistan is concerned. We have taken elaborate measure s," General Officer Commanding (GOC), 9 Corps, Lt Gen A K Choudhary told reporters in Yol Camp. "There is no need to worry. We keep observing the movements and the postures of the neighbouring countries inimical to the peace of the country," he said. Choudhary said the army was "prepared and alert" to ensure territorial integrity of the country. "We are at it. We are alert of...

Afghan War Draws in China and Russia

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011-02-16 (China Military News cited from rightsidenews.com) -- The U.S.-led war against the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and other terrorist groups in Afghanistan has deteriorated into a growing open conflict with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), and threatens to rapidly fall into a full-blown war with Pakistan. Signs of such an upcoming clash between Pakistan and the U.S. can already be seen. In anticipation of such a full-scale clash with America, Pakistan is seeking an enhanced role for China on its side, thereby triggering a possible superpower clash, involving the U.S., China, Russia, NATO powers, and other regional players. According to MEMRI, a high-profile Middle Eastern think-tank, China's involvement as a...

US arms market in Middle East to grow by 14 percent

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Military procurement by Middle Eastern states, primarily Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq and Israel, is expected to grow by 14 percent over the next five years, a new industry analysis concludes. U.S. defense contractors will dominate...

USAF Budget Shrinks, Outlines Acquisition Programs

on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

By DAVE MAJUMDAR Published: 15 Feb 2011 08:07 Though the overall U.S. Air Force budget will shrink from $170.8 billion in yet-to-be-passed fiscal 2011 budget to $166.2 billion in the president's fiscal 2012 budget request, and the service is set...