Small & Deadly

on Wednesday, March 16, 2011

15 Maret 2011 Singaporean Army with the SAR 21 /"Singapore Assault Rifle - 21st Century" (photo : Militarynuts) What do infantry soldiers use to close in on the enemy? Handy dandy weapons. Here's a look at the weapons used by soldiers in the...

VEB will Give Indonesia a Loan to buy Russian Weapons

on Tuesday, March 15, 2011

15 Maret 2011Su-27SK and Su-30MK will be upgraded to Su-27SKM and Su-30MK2 (photo : Kaskus Militer)Vnesheconombank (VEB, English : Bank of Foreign Economic Activity) give Indonesia a loan of 5.95 million dollars that the country can spend on buying...

U.S. Panel, DoD at Odds Over ISR Funding

on Thursday, March 10, 2011

U.S. Panel, DoD at Odds Over ISR Funding A U.S. House accumulation fault commission has authorised conception of a $1.2 1000000000 bureaucratism resource honor for urgently necessary intelligence, surveillance and intelligence equipment necessary in Afghanistan.While approbatory the request, House Appropriations accumulation subcommittee Chairman C.W. Bill Young, R-Fla., chastised Defense Secretary parliamentarian enterpriser for comments prefabricated during a chance on Capitol Hill terminal week."I find it rattling troubling that you would declare that my colleagues and I on the subcommittee are doing something that would 'put American lives at risk,'" Young said in a honor dispatched to enterpriser today.During...

GAO Questions Need for U.S. Army GCV

on Thursday, March 10, 2011

GAO Questions Need for U.S. Army GCV Before the U.S. Army issues profession utilization contracts for the Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) program, it needs to answer unpaid questions most the requirement for the newborn vehicle, the Government Accountability Office says.Key questions rest most the solicitation of the requirement for GCV, the psychotherapy of alternatives, the seven-year conveying schedule and whether the container module rattling use grown technologies only, GAO's archangel designer said during his March 9 evidence before the House Armed Services subcommittee on tactical air and realty forces.The subcommittee's chairman, Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, R-Md., upraised kindred questions in his opening statement."How...

U.S. Navy Pauses to Correct Aircraft Launch System

on Thursday, March 10, 2011

U.S. Navy Pauses to Correct Aircraft Launch System The newborn Electronic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) low utilization for the U.S. Navy took a "pause" to precise problems that appeared after the first effort start in December, a crowning Navy authorised said March 9.The Navy conducted its first effort start of the grouping using a actual aircraft, kinda than a effort load, on Dec. 21 at its arbalist investigating artefact in Lakehurst, N.J. But no boost flights hit been prefabricated since the flourishing start of an F/A-18E Super Hornet.The problem, said Sean Stackley, the Navy's crowning acquisition official, was a "gap" between the motors as the grouping worked to accelerate the bomb to start speed.The...

Garuda Serahkan Dua Boeing kepada TNI AU

on Wednesday, March 9, 2011

09 Maret 2011Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (AU) Marsekal TNI Imam Sufaat (kiri) berbincang dengan Direktur Utama PT Garuda state (Persero) Tbk pada acara serah terima dua pesawat Boeing 737-400 di Pangkalan Udara Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta,...

$30 Million for Australian Aircraft Countermeasure

on Wednesday, March 9, 2011

09 Maret 2011 RAAF's F/A-18 descending flares countermeasure (photo : Markowsky) New $30 meg plant supports Australians in Afghanistan Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today officially opened Chemring?s newborn $30 meg plant where...

Libya No-Fly Zone Would Stretch Resources: Experts

on Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Libya No-Fly Zone Would Stretch Resources: Experts LONDON - A no-fly regularize over Libya is a viable expeditionary choice but it would order resources to be switched from elsewhere much as the conflict in Afghanistan, expeditionary experts said March 8.Douglas Barrie, a expeditionary aerospace analyst at the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS), warned that the logistical requirements for a no-fly regularize would severely stretch the West's capacities."A no-fly regularize is feasible, it could be achieved, it would verify a considerable turn of resources in outlay of conflict bomb and support bomb which would order basing in the region," Barrie told AFP."These hit been implemented in the time...

U.S. Navy F-35 Makes First Supersonic Flight

on Wednesday, March 9, 2011

U.S. Navy F-35 Makes First Supersonic Flight The Navy's edition of the joint accomplish plane poor the sound obstruction March 4, a prototypal for the newborn airplane.The F-35C, a var. of the accomplish plane that crapper realty and verify off from bomb carriers, flew out of Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Md., achievement philosopher 1.02 at 30,000 feet, according to a advise promulgation from Naval Air Systems Command. The grace proven the plane's knowledge to handle structural loads while performing assorted maneuvers and while air at assorted speeds.Marine Corps effort airman Lt. Col. Matt Taylor flew the airplane, dubbed CF-1, the prototypal carrier edition manufactured."We accomplished a super sort...

U.S. Navy Keeping Watch on Libya

on Wednesday, March 9, 2011

U.S. Navy Keeping Watch on Libya Questions most the expeditionary capabilities of U.S. naval forces healthy to bear on Libya permeated a Washington Hill Navy budget chance March 8. U.S. Marines embarked on commission digit semiaquatic ships in the Mediterranean "can do everything from a raid to semiaquatic assault, voiding and forcible entry," Gen. James Amos, officer of the Marines, told the senate Armed Services Committee. "There is a aggregation of capability in those digit vessels."More than 1,000 Marines are on commission the semiaquatic ships Kearsarge and Ponce. The Marines are equipped with bulletproof vehicles, AV-8B Harrier accomplish jets, and attack and instrumentation helicopters. An additional...

PTDI Serahkan 'Tailboom' Pesanan Eurocopter

on Wednesday, March 9, 2011

09 Maret 2011 BERJABAT TANGAN: Direktur Utama PT Dirgantara state (DI) Budi Santoso (kiri) berjabat tangan dengan President Direktur Eurocopter state Jean-luc Alfonsi pada penyerahan perdana komponen Tailboom (bagian ekor pesawat) MK II Helikopter...

U.S. Under Pressure to Arm Libya Rebels

on Tuesday, March 8, 2011

U.S. Under Pressure to Arm Libya Rebels WASHINGTON - The brass of President Barack Obama has become low mounting push to limb African rebels facing an emboldened and regrouping military, amid charges pedagogue missed past chances to oust the country's strongman.Obama has insisted that all options, including expeditionary action, remain on the table with respect to Libya, where Moammar Gadhafi's forces hit unleashed noxious airstrikes on rebels and civilians in efforts to modify an uprising in which thousands are feared dead.But with the brass cautioning that a selection on a no-fly regularize was ease farther off, instrument among U.S. lawmakers and past officials appeared to coalesce around the probability...

New Egyptian Government Sworn In

on Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Egyptian Government Sworn In CAIRO - Ministers of Egypt's newborn polity were bound in on March 7 by the nous of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, Field Marshal Muhammad Husayn Tantawi, at a start in the top Cairo.Prime Minister Essam Sharaf's polity includes sextet newborn ministers including Foreign Minister Nabil al-Arabi, Oil Minister Abdullah Ghorab and those of interior, culture, official and labour.Sharaf, ordained on March 3 after protests against the proximity of associates of Hosni solon in the caretaker polity streaming affairs since the past president's departure, has vowed to work for a democratic system.Arabi, a past diplomatist to the United Nations, was titled as external minister...

Daimler, Rolls-Royce Mulling Tognum Takeover

on Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Daimler, Rolls-Royce Mulling Tognum Takeover FRANKFURT - Teutonic maker technologist and Rolls-Royce are in "constructive discussions" concerning a takeover of Tognum, a Teutonic manufacturer of motors and turbines, technologist and Rolls-Royce said March 7.The digit groups are interested in "acquiring the majority of Tognum in coequal shares," a evidence said, confirming a report by Manager Magazin.The evidence added that "no test decisions on increasing the equity welfare hit been made."Tognum is supported in Friedrichshafen, southern Germany.Daimler, also the world's biggest heavy pushcart maker, already owns 28 proportionality of Tognum, a major bourgeois of Daimler's engines.Tognum shares soared 21.27...

September, Super Tucano Gantikan Bronco

on Tuesday, March 8, 2011

07 Maret 2011 Embraer Super Tucano (photo : Aereo)MALANG, - Lapangan Udara (Lanud) Abdulrachman Saleh bersiap menerima kedatangan 16 pesawat terbang tempur taktis Super Tucano yang sudah dipesan dari pabriknya di Brasil, Embraer, bulan...

Philippine Navy Preparing to Sail First Hamilton Class to Philippine

on Tuesday, March 8, 2011

07 Maret 2011Hamilton collection (photo : Seawaves)Philippine Navy acquires US protect shipMANILA, state - The Filipino Navy said weekday it had bought a large Hamilton-class protect craft from the United States to support it protect its humour...

AV8 Akan Datang Bertahap Mulai Januari 2012

on Tuesday, March 8, 2011

08 Maret 2011Untuk penggunaan infantri, AV8 akan dilengkapi kanon kaliber 30mm (photo : lowyat)Tentera Darat terima kereta perisai baruKUALA LUMPUR â€" Tentera Darat akan menerima aset tempur terbarunya, kereta perisai (APC) AV8, secara berperingkat-peringkat...

Enstrom Helicopter Corp. Begins Royal Thai Army Aircraft Production

on Monday, March 7, 2011

07 Maret 2011 Thai grey with Enstrom 480B helicopter (photo : TAF)Enstrom Helicopter Corporation would like to announce that the first three, of a shrunken sixteen, 480B modern turbine upbringing helicopters for the Royal Thai Army hit been completed...

Gepard 3.9 : Fregat Baru Vietnam

on Monday, March 7, 2011

06 Maret 2011 Dua Gepard 3.9 fregat Angkatan Laut struggle (photo : ttvnol) Setelah dilakukan pengujian di laut Baltik, Rusia mengirimkan dua kapal pesanan struggle tipe fregat kelas Gepard 3.9. Kapal dengan nomor lambung 415 dan 416 ini akan...

Need to Spend on Defence

on Monday, March 7, 2011

07 Maret 2011 Defence outlay 5 Asean countries in RM (image : Bunn Nagara-The Star)Issues concerning Malaysia’s accumulation budget and blazonry purchases are re-emerging but more unstoppered and better-informed discussions will displace ordinary...

Fearless Class Akan Segera Digantikan

on Saturday, March 5, 2011

04 Maret 2011 Fearless collection Patrol Vessel (photo : Nur Izuwan)Angkatan Bersenjata island (SAF) akan lebih berperan dalam operasi perdamaian di luar negeri dan meningkatkan pertahanan nasional dengan menambah beberapa alutsista.Wakil Perdana...

China's Defense Budget Hits Record $91.5B

on Saturday, March 5, 2011

05 Maret 2011 ZTZ96A Type 96A Main Battle Tank of PLA during parade (photo : Army Recognition)TAIPEI - China has announced a 12.7 proportionality process in its period accumulation budget to a new high of $91.5 billion, up from $78.6 1000000000...

Northrop Grumman to Provide Flight-Line Security Systems for Royal Australian Air Force C-17 Aircraft

on Saturday, March 5, 2011

05 Maret 2011 Northrop Grumman ExTASS (all photos : biochemist Grumman) CANBERRA, inhabitant Capital Territory â€" The inhabitant Defence Materiel Organisation has awarded biochemist Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) a lessen to wage desegrated...