Afghan Forces Still a Work In Progress: Pentagon
no-reply@blogger on Saturday, April 30, 2011
AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Published: 29 Apr 2011 16:10 WASHINGTON - A shortage of trainers and problems plaguing the Afghan army and police could jeopardize NATO's goal to hand over security to the Kabul government by 2015, a Pentagon report said April 29.Building up the Afghan security forces is at the heart of the NATO-led strategy to gradually withdraw foreign troops from a war that has dragged on for more than nine years.Seeing the project as their ticket out, NATO countries are investing heavily in the effort, with the United States planning to spend $12.8 billion in 2012.With 159,000 Afghan troops and 126,000 police trained as of March 31, the Pentagon said in a report to Congress it was satisfied...
Royal Malaysian Navy Plans to Add Ship and ASW Helicopter in 10MP
no-reply@blogger on Friday, April 29, 2011
DoD Moves Toward 'Should-Cost' Programs
no-reply@blogger on Friday, April 29, 2011
By MARCUS WEISGERBER Published: 28 Apr 2011 17:55 The Pentagon will implement a new cost estimating strategy on 14 major acquisition programs in an attempt to make the weapons' projected price tags more realistic and save money, according to a U.S. Defense Department memo.The Air Force, Army and Navy will apply "should-cost" metrics to multibillion-dollar efforts - such as the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter - to achieve greater savings than more traditional cost estimating."These programs will be used to communicate and demonstrate to other DoD offices and Congress the intent and advantages associated with managing to a should-cost estimate that is lower than the program budget," Pentagon acquisition...
Army Air Defence Simulator Upgrade Completes Acceptance Testing
no-reply@blogger on Thursday, April 28, 2011
India Drops Gripen From Fighter Jet List: Saab
no-reply@blogger on Thursday, April 28, 2011
AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Published: 27 Apr 2011 16:57 STOCKHOLM - India has scrapped Saab's Gripen from its fighter jet shortlist, the Swedish aircraft builder said April 27."Today defense and security company Saab AB has received information from the Indian Ministry of Defence that Gripen has not been shortlisted for the Indian Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) program," the company said in a statement.India is planning to replace its fleet of 26 aging MiG 21 Soviet-era jets to the tune of 11 billion euros ($16 billion).Other than Saab, it also is considering jets from France's Dassault, Russia's MiG, America's Boeing and Lockheed Martin, Europe's EADS, Britain's BAE Systems and Italy's...
U.S. Service Undersecretaries Compare Efforts
no-reply@blogger on Thursday, April 28, 2011
By MICHAEL HOFFMAN Published: 27 Apr 2011 14:02 The U.S. Army must work harder to find operational efficiencies within the joint services and fix a broken acquisitions system to ensure its long-term health, said U.S. Army Undersecretary Joseph W. Westphal.In one effort to do so, the undersecretaries of each service have met frequently to find which programs and operations the services might be able to share in order to save money, Westphal said at a April 27 breakfast hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. The U.S. Army has taken notice of the work U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy leaders have done with AirSea Battle, he said.The different networks the services...
Boeing Vigilare System Completes Operational Testing in Australia
no-reply@blogger on Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Russia: Ballistic Missile Test Is a Success
no-reply@blogger on Wednesday, April 27, 2011
AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Published: 26 Apr 2011 21:05 MOSCOW - The Russian military successfully test launched a Sineva ballistic missile from a submarine in the Arctic on April 26, the Interfax news agency quoted a Defense Ministry spokesman as saying."The launch was carried out from underwater in the Barents Sea from the Yekaterinburg nuclear submarine. At the expected hour, the payload of the Sineva missile arrived at the Kura range in Kamchatka" in Russia's Far East, spokesman Igor Konashenkov said.The Sineva is an intercontinental submarine-launched ballistic missile that entered service in 2007 and has a range of more than 6,800 miles (11,000 kilometers). Defense News...
USAF To Hold Separate Contests for 2 Helos
no-reply@blogger on Tuesday, April 26, 2011
By DAVE MAJUMDAR Published: 25 Apr 2011 17:47 The U.S. Air Force said April 25 that it will hold separate competitions for its Common Vertical Lift Support Platform (CVLSP) and HH-60 recapitalization programs. The CVLSP program is designed to replace the service's geriatric fleet of Bell UH-1N Huey helicopters, which provide transportation to security forces at nuclear missile bases and help to evacuate lawmakers during emergencies. The HH-60 recapitalization program is the Air Force's effort to replace 112 increasingly decrepit HH-60G Pave Hawk combat search-and-rescue helicopters. Service officials anticipate that both programs will draw industry bids based on aircraft derived from helicopters...
Malaysia has First Simulation Centre for Sukhoi Jets in Asia
no-reply@blogger on Monday, April 25, 2011
U.S. Army Issues 2nd Humvee RFI
no-reply@blogger on Saturday, April 23, 2011
By MICHAEL HOFFMAN Published: 23 Apr 2011 11:53 The U.S. Army issued its second request for information for the competitive Humvee recapitalization program April 21, which is meant to upgrade 60,000 vehicles for no more than $180,000 a copy.Army officials have said they want additional armor to put the Humvee's survivability on par with the mine-resistant, ambush-protected all-terrain vehicle but still keep it lighter than the M-ATV. Congress denied the Army's request to shift money from buying new Humvees toward a recap program last year forcing the service to issue a second RFI after the Army published the first one in January 2010.The Marine Corps could join the Army on the Humvee recap program...
Is China Developing a VSTOL Fighter?
no-reply@blogger on Saturday, April 23, 2011
By wendell minnick Published: 22 Apr 2011 14:06 TAIPEI - China may have test-flown the J-18 Red Eagle vertical short takeoff and landing (VSTOL) fighter earlier this month, if chatter on Chinese-language military blogs is accurate.China's defense industry is largely opaque and it is difficult to substantiate Internet chatter. However, Chinese-language military blogs reported the first test flight of the stealthy J-20 Black Eagle fighter in January, much to the surprise of the Western media.Now there are reports emerging of a test flight of the J-18. Tests were supposedly conducted earlier this month and the fighter is similar to the Sukhoi Su-33 carrier-based fighter."In 2005, a Chinese aviation...
U.S. Navy Strips Norfolk Unit of Oversight Powers
no-reply@blogger on Friday, April 22, 2011
By CHRISTOPHER P. CAVAS Published: 21 Apr 2011 20:48 U.S. Navy investigators are continuing to re-examine the work done by contractors on the amphibious ship San Antonio (LPD 17) in hopes the ship, sidelined for more than a year of repairs, can get to sea by the end of the month for engineering trials. While San Antonio, delivered in 2005, has a long history of problems, the new issue involves poor and improper documentation of repair work carried out in recent months.Earl Industries, a shipyard in Norfolk, Va., was in charge of the overhaul, which included work done by diesel engine manufacture Fairbanks Morse on the ship's Colt Pielstick diesel engines. Now, the Navy organization responsible...
DoD Will Lean on QDR During Missions Review
no-reply@blogger on Friday, April 22, 2011
By MARCUS WEISGERBER Published: 21 Apr 2011 18:17 U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is looking to start with combat scenarios developed during last year's Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) to help make the budget cuts ordered by the White House for the next decade."I want to frame this so that options and consequences and risks are taken into account as budget decisions are made first by the president and then by the Congress," Gates said during a briefing at the Pentagon April 21. "What I hope to do is frame this in a way that says, if you want to cut this number of dollars, here are the consequences for force structure. Here are your choices in terms of capabilities that would be reduced or...
Another Delay for F-35 In-Service Date?
no-reply@blogger on Friday, April 22, 2011
By DAVE MAJUMDAR Published: 21 Apr 2011 15:25 The F-35 Lightning II's initial operational capability might slip for the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy versions of the stealthy fifth-generation fighter jet, Vice Adm. David Venlet, the program's manager, told reporters on April 21. While Venlet deferred to the service chiefs about exactly when the aircraft would be declared operational, he said that realistically, it would happen after 2016. "Our [Technical Baseline Review] schedule now shows development test completing in '16. Realistically, I don't see it being in '16 for Air Force and Navy," he said.Overall, however, the F-35 program is making progress, but much more needs to be done before the...
Indonesia and South Korea Sign Definitive KFX Agreement
no-reply@blogger on Thursday, April 21, 2011