The Bielik is designed as a low-cost plane for primary and advanced training of military pilots. Also, a ?B?-version is said to be suitable for general aviation purposes. This one preserved here is a model.
2-seat, all-composite, light jet training aircraft, planned in 2 following version:
B. general aviation aircraft for primary-, and advanced training, aerobatics included;air-taxi for medium range, high-speed, ?point-to point? cruise
project targets
- technology demonstrator of the all-composite, light, turbo-jet trainer- construction of 1 airworthy flying prototype- compliance with the above item confirmed by completion of the aircraft first
Palestine Defence
What is the status of this beautiful aircraft?
Where is it?
Beautiful little plane. Im not Jewish but...I do know history- Ive read at least twenty books on and about this history. Ive read works from both sides, from disinterested aka neutral points of view and finally from biased third parties from both perspectivezls. Works by British historians and or authors and works by islamic authors and or historians on on side and works by historians and or authors where it becomes obvious that although trying hard for unbiased work that they have indeed developed strong opinions and its creeping into their works. This is the only way you can get anything like an accurate and true idea of what actually happened in the past...
From what I know what happened to the palastnians their plight of today is abzolutly their fault. They believed the jewish people of newly declared Israel would be cometely destroyed with every man woman and child killed as the allied nations of the entire islamic world promised. Everyone alive believed theyhad no chance. The british intentionally drew the israels borders so they were not militarily defensable and did other major strategic things to ensure israels defeat. israel had few weapons and what they did have was of dozens of types fireing different ammo making for a logistics nightmare and they were heavily outnumbered facing the muslim armies with a bounty of state of the art weapons and total air superiority on paper. I dont know of a singke person on the planet that would have bet anything on israels survival so when you the palestinians chose to leave despite israel giving you the choice of full citizenship with full rights if you stayed without even requiring you to join the military effort...or leave but never come back and forfeit all you left behind because if you chose to leave you could never be trusted again and it would be like allowing your enemies in your home at night while you slept--completely understandable and fair especially considering the palistinians did nothing but try to take advantage of and cheat the jewish people returning to those lands--like seing them only land you pronounced and considered completely worthless that could not ever be productive or be farmed..only land like that for ten times what you believed its worth what you would have sold it to a fellow palaztinian..then thru superhuman ecforts the jews did transform it into productive farms and you were then pissed claiming tgey cheatex youre doing now again...AND all the other muslim countries know this full well too...nobody ever trusts a traitor ever not even the ones who benifitted...thats EXACTLY why all the muslim countries who even allowed refugee camps..many did not even allow that much--would not let you permantly into their cities or have jobs citizenship ect...the MUSLIMS kept you in those terrible tiny camps not the jews..but no biggie u thought u would be back in your land in a couole weeks and tgen you coukd even swipe their lands! bet terribly wrong!! And want the worlds pity..well not mine and not anyone i talk too who then learns the truth instead of the constant lies spewing from that part of tge sorry its harsh i know but you made your choice and unfortunay the consequences are very tough and unfortunate but 100% your fault. Time to an for reality and begin to lobby your "brother" in islam to come to your aid and allow you to become citizens of their various lands all those who attacked israel...after all if there is any blame at all and there absutly is cause if tgey hadnt attacked you would still be tgere now, then the blame for your displacement goes to each and ecery countrtv that attacked israel after tgey declared tgemselves to be a soverign nation..sad but true it is no pity for you bere and only the stupid in america.
Its in the Polish aviation collection
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